Massage from The Way of Yin

As an acupuncturist, I love following the work of Kris González of The Way of Yin and wanted to share this important technique as a way to reconnect to your body. We spend so much time in our heads, let’s take some time to love our whole selves and improve our circulation and flow! ~Rebecca

Reposted from Kris González @thewayofyin

Did you know that you can massage your ovaries and uterus to improve fertility and to also revitalize your organs during perimenopause and menopause? It's not guaranteed that we ovulate every cycle during our perimenopausal years. To help encourage ovulatory cycles, we can introduce gentle yet effective massage to our organs to increase circulation and move any areas of obstruction.

🔻Ovarian & Uterine Massage🔻

You can either be seated or laying down. Do what's most comfortable for you.

1. Start by warming your hands (feel free to use an oil blend if you want). I love the Pelvic Decongest Blend from Snow Lotus Artisan Essential Oils.

2. To find your ovaries and uterus, make a triangle with your thumbs and index fingers. Place your thumbs at your belly button and your fingers pointed down toward your pubic bone. The tips of your pinkies and ring fingers are around where your ovaries are. The tips of your index and middle fingers are resting around where your uterus is.

Feel free to touch around and let your intuition and hands guide you. These organs naturally move, so follow your own inner guidance.

3. Use your pinkies and ring fingers to massage in a circular motion 36 times in each direction.

4. Use your index and middle fingers to massage in a circular motion 36 times in each direction.

5. Keep your warm hands on your lower abdomen. Feel the warmth from your hands penetrating and rejuvenating your reproductive organs. Visualize and fill them with a golden light.

This beautiful practice is adapted from Dr. Lia Andrew's book 7 Times a Woman. I highly recommend this companion book to approach all your life stages ❤


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